Thursday, September 7, 2023

Algorithms and Programming

Program for use in laboratory experiments: flowgorithm

Download ANACONDA JUPYTER NOTEBOOK for performing laboratory experiments

Lecture #2

Laboratory #2

Lecture #3

Laboratory #3

Lecture #4

Laboratory #4

Lecture #5

Laboratory #5

Lecture #6

Laboratory #6

Lecture #7

Laboratory #7

Lecture #8        Lecture #9        Lecture #10        Lecture #11,12

Lecture #13        Lecture #14        Lecture #15        Lecture #16        

Laboratory #8        Laboratory #9        Laboratory #10        Laboratory #11        Laboratory #12      

Laboratory #13        Laboratory #14        Laboratory #15        Laboratory #16

Instructions for completing the assignment:

Each problem will be considered separately using algorithm and python programming language.

Algorithms and problems are explained in Python programming language according to the following instructions. It includes:

1. Draw the algorithm in the Flowgorithm program, write and run the python programming source code in the Jupyter Notebook (or Google CoLab) program, and attach the image file to your homework.

2. Algorithm and python programming source code are explained step by step.

3. Algorithms and python programming source code input values, output values, and actions performed in the variable window must be reflected.

4. Summarize the considered algorithm policy and make a conclusion.

Recommendations for completing the assignment abstract or word file

How to make an assignment cover? video tutorial

How to do homework? video tutorial

Algorithm for choosing homework options

Friday, November 20, 2020

C programming language instructions

For loop

Simple function

Function working
One dimension array
Two dimension array

Algorithm instructions in Video

Build your first algorithm
Algorithm for finding the sum of 2 numbers

Algorithm for finding the average of 4 numbers

An algorithm that interacts with users

For loop algorithm

Simple algorithm 
Two number adding algorithm
One dimension Array

Help with homework

How to make an assignment cover? video tutorial

How to do homework? video tutorial 

Thursday, November 23, 2017

What is IT Passwort exam?

About ITPE

Information technology engineering test/MTISH/ is based on Japan's ITPE system, which originated in 1969, and since 2000, it has been disseminated in Asian countries in order to have a common standard of IT engineering skills in the Asian region, and it is currently an international test that is mutually recognized in 12 countries.

The purpose of ITPE
ITPE aims to improve the skills of IT specialists, determine the level of skills required for each IT professional field, establish real criteria for evaluating the skills of IT engineers, and thereby improve the position of good engineers in society.

ITPE system

ITPE consists of 12 tests of the following 4 levels, and Level 1-3 tests are currently introduced in Mongolia.

IT Passport Exam

The purpose of the IT Passport exam is to check the general basic knowledge of information technology that should be possessed by employees in the business sector, to develop human resources with basic knowledge of information technology, and thus to improve the general ability to use information technology and improve work productivity. The exam examines general basic knowledge of information technology strategy, management, and technology. Employees of all business sectors and people who have a basic understanding of information technology, and people who work in information technology or use information technology in their work, will participate.

Who can give?

Professionals in all fields who use information technology in their work

Required knowledge and skills
The examiner has the knowledge and skills to perform the following activities. It includes:
Knowledge of computer systems and network equipment applications
Logical thinking and problem solving and analytical skills and techniques
Knowledge of computer systems and network equipment applications
Knowledge of information security
Knowledge of information systems operation and development

Form of examination
Reproduction time: 120 minutes
Number of Questions: 100 questions
Question format: A website using a multiple-choice test